What is it like, Currently going to a dental clinic in the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic, today we are going to look at the hygiene and prevention measures that are applied in this area of our lives.
We want to return to normal, everyday life, but we are concerned about our health and that of our loved ones. Yet we still know that many things are going to change.
Many of us have urgent, pending dental treatments, past due dental check-ups, appointments to evaluate an orthodontic treatment with Invisalign, or to receive an implant. Now lets explore the question, is it now safe to pay your dentist a visit?
Dental Clinics have always taken into account hygiene and prevention measures, so the use of a mask, protective glasses and gowns are routine in the dental office.
In the same way are the specific products for disinfection of surfaces that are used by the auxiliary personnel systematically between patient and patient or the protection of the equipment with disposable covers for the hoses, disinfection of material. And therefore one of the values The most important dental clinic has is human capital because only with a team where the functions and responsibilities are perfectly defined is it possible to achieve excellence not only in the treatment of professionals but also in the overall care of the patient.
We can affirm that the Dental Clinic is a safe environment as long as hygiene and sterilization protocols are carried out and there is no doubt that these processes are established responsibly in the vast majority of current dental clinics, although we will have to reinforce them and adapt to the dynamism that is taking place and that this new situation of COVID-19 requires.
The difference between COVID-19 and other infectious diseases is the ease and great contagion capacity.
But the contagion of COVID-19 is not greater in a dental clinic than in an ophthalmologist, dermatologist or in a hairdresser or in any activity of our life if we have the appropriate protection measures.
What is important is that each environment will have to take specific measures.
Many protocols are being developed and possibly many more will emerge, but we must not fall for untested measures taking advantage of chaos and confusion.
We have implemented many of the new measures since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, that is why we have learned that at the entrance / reception of our clinic our patients have hand sanitizer gel or that there are no magazines or games in our waiting room for children.
Have a waiting room that allows the recommended social distance, that the patient attend alone, except for minors who must do so with a single companion, patient mobility protocols in the clinic, a good organization of agendas and punctuality and the guarantee of safety distance will allow a dynamic flow of patients, with safety and protection.
The use of PPE as we have always done in the Dental Clinic incorporating the use of individual screens and FFP2 masks also at the reception.
Protocols of the patient’s health status in relation to possible symptoms, recommending not wearing bracelets, necklaces, earrings due to the ease of permanence of the virus on metal and plastic surfaces will be implemented because the most disconcerting thing in this infection is really prevent the spread of COVID-19 when patients are asymptomatic and are in the incubation period, therefore measures must be reinforced and constant.
Rooms with good ventilation and the use of double air flow, thus purifying the air within the clinic on a constant basis, will be elements to incorporate to reduce the risk of contagion.
Our Dental HSM clinic as well as the best dental clinics committed to the safety of patients and the professional team, will incorporate all these measures and those that are appropriate to guarantee the health of all.
Despite the halt in the strictest confinement months, in which dental clinics were only authorized to attend emergencies, now “it is very important that patients do not continue to delay or postpone treatments for previously diagnosed pathologies or stop attending to the dentist with the appropriate periodicity ”, warns Dr. Montano.
We must not forget, as he tells us, that oral health is essential for proper general health (there are numerous studies that have proven that a healthy mouth reduces the risk of cardiovascular, respiratory or diabetes disorders).